23 December 2016


The Family teaches us to cultivate the formal level.
The School teaches us to cultivate the cultural level.
The Religion teaches us to cultivate the ethical level.
These are all fundamental and indispensable variables to achieve an full understanding of life.

However, only those who have traveled a lot they realize that there is a fourth variable, not at all negligible in order to understand others and the world: the territorial culture.

But, only in mature age, we understand the existence of the fifth variable, the most decisive: the "Personality" (ours and others).

Because only with the use of this last category, we can understand how is possible that people with good formal level, highly educated, very ethical, they are capable of accomplishing boorish, stupid and incorrect actions and of accomplishing this without realizing of it (neither retrospectively!).

In some way, we all suffer from a sort of social pareidolia for which, as well as unconsciously we tend to give an organized and known form to visual forms that in reality have any not organization and that are purely random, equally we tend to tracking down to one voluntary and complex origin of a some other's people's objectively intolerable conduct (ie, we tend to believe that this conduct are the product of a choice, ethical and formal, consciously selfish of this person) even when the cause is clearly involuntary and blatantly trivial.

We think we are the authors of our thoughts and our behaviors, but actually we are, largely, unaware actors of a script prepared (more or less knowingly) by somebody else or by something else.

Unconsciously, we all be partially moved and pushed, like puppets, from pulses that is internal and at the same time external to us, pulses which we consider the result of an our psychic choice but which, in reality, are the fruit of our genetic structure and of our biological modifications and of the parental education and of our social social environment.
And this our naive and inner misunderstanding we project it on the psyche of others.

A Scorpion asks a Frog to ferry it across a river.
The Frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the Scorpion argues that if she did, they would both drown.
Convinced by this argumentation, the Frog gives its consent; but, in the middle of across of the river, the Scorpion stings the frog, so condemning both to drown.
At that point the Frog asks the Scorpion: "but ... why did you do it???"
... and the Scorpion replies: "because ... it's in my nature to do it".

"You have attributed conditions of villainy that simply result from stupidity".
(R. A. Heinlein)