We humans have an anthropocentric point of view of "Intelligence": as the most intelligent animals on planet Earth, we humans think we are capable of understanding everything currently and prospectively.
But if we humans were not on Earth, the most intelligent animals would be Chimpanzees who, not understanding Geometry or Chemistry or Astronomy, would firmly believe that wheels, medicines and stars do not exist.
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Well, I state that I am blatantly agnostic since I was a teenager, that I am a Lawyer, that I have (as they say) a certain age, that I have an extra-professional cultural level clearly much higher than the average, that I am a very serious person (I am the son of an ex High representative of the italian Magistracy), and that I have never suffered from psychiatric pathologies.
In other words, you cannot dismiss me with a witty sneer or with a sarcastic remark or a shrug of the shoulders.
I also point out that, obviously, I am well aware that the matter is very slippery and that, not surprisingly, it is among the favorites of the charlatans, the ignorant, the schizophrenics, the schizotypes and the mythomaniacs.
However, I cannot fail to tell you that, in the course of the years around 2005/2015, in my old professional Law Firm I have witnessed (together with other colleagues) to repeated episodes frankly disconcerting.
Before describing the events, I want to specific that, together with me, the phenomena have been repeatedly perceived by other 3 out of 5 components of the Study, that at least 2 of these witnesses are clearly known for their particular cynicism and their repulsion for any emotion, and that the then Dominus of the Studio, put by me at the corner regarding the phenomena in question, only years later he confessed to me that even his late father (once, also him an authoritative legal professional in that same Law Firm), had repeatedly witnessed phenomena very similar to those to which I have witnessed.
I also point out that the Interior that housed the aforementioned Law Firm was part of a condominium with very thick walls, that this Condominium was located very internally with respect to the roadway, and that this Condominium had many other offices, and that, therefore, starting from about 19.00, for half of the interiors, the condominium was deserted, while the other half was inhabited by the elderly: this meant that, particularly from late afternoon but also in general, the level of external noise was palpably low.
Finally, I point out that in the immediate surroundings there are no relevant electromagnetic sources (for example, telephone or radio repeaters) such as to induce phenomena of visual or sound hallucination (this can be an effect of quite intense electromagnetic fluxes).
The phenomena were the following:
1) many clearly perceptible noises, clearly imitative of real noises, with a slightly ascending sound pattern and with a volume slightly lower than the real one;
- the typic metallic and strong noise of the electric door opening with a remote button, however with the door which appeared clearly, immediately after, well closed;
- the very typical noise of the doors of the rooms (all precisely identifiable and all at that time not occupied by anyone) as if these doors, in the act of self close, they ricochet somewhat gently on the frame, but with doors that obviously they appeared immediately after completely wide open, with closed windows and in the absence of wind outside;
- the two doors of the entrance door that make noise as if they were vigorously swinging;
- a very loud noise of falling plates that comes from the kitchen corner, obviously with utensils, plates, cutlery, wall units and cooking corner, immediately after, in perfect order;
- with me only in the Studio, a very heavy thud (like that of a voluminous, rigid and heavy book falling on the ground or on a solid wood desk) coming from the next room, with obviously this last room that immediatly after appeared in perfect order;
- with me only in the Studio, the very clear sound of the saucer and of the cup of coffee resting on the aluminum counter top of the kitchen sink, with obviously said shelf and with the attached washbasin that appear immediatly after completly empty and free from objects;
- percussion noise on the wall, like someone who rhythmically taps the knuckles on the wall. The noise comes from the adjoining bathroom and, once you get up and go to check in the bathroom, the noise disappears; but as soon as you return to the original room, the rhythmic tapping starts again. At the third check in the bathroom, the towel which at the first two checks resulted ritually folded on horseback of the handle adjacent to the sink is instead found on the ground and at least one meter horizontal distance from its original position.
- percussion noise on the wall, like someone who rhythmically taps the knuckles on the wall. The noise comes from the adjoining bathroom and, once you get up and go to check in the bathroom, the noise disappears; but as soon as you return to the original room, the rhythmic tapping starts again. At the third check in the bathroom, the towel which at the first two checks resulted ritually folded on horseback of the handle adjacent to the sink is instead found on the ground and at least one meter horizontal distance from its original position.
2) Noises aside,
- my voluminous padded anti-rain trousers, by me as usual resting on one of the two chairs in front of my desk, which, at the moment to leave my Law Firm, they is no longer there and which, after meticulous and obsessive checks that are lasted almost half hour, after the last prolonged and very close look on this chair and after addressing the colleague of the room just next to two meters angrily invoking an explanation (but always keeping me standing strictly on the entrance area of my room), I turn me back toward my room (with a pause in the look on the "under investigation" chair that it will have lasted 2/3 seconds at the most) and I find you placidly and voluminously, bent just as I was sure I had initially laid, these my trousers;
- when in the law firm I was only I and one of my colleagues and I was about to leave my job and go away, the aforementioned colleague she nervously begged me to wait for her and go away togheter with her or she asked me to close very well her door (only years later she confessed to me that she asked me to close the door so as not to be turbed by recurrent, strange and incongruous noises ...).
- when in the law firm I was only I and one of my colleagues and I was about to leave my job and go away, the aforementioned colleague she nervously begged me to wait for her and go away togheter with her or she asked me to close very well her door (only years later she confessed to me that she asked me to close the door so as not to be turbed by recurrent, strange and incongruous noises ...).
3) Dulcis in fundo, with the Law Firm almost completely free from furnishings due to a moving house that would have ended in hours, the molossus of the Dominus of the Law Firm (dog somewhat easy-going and sleepyhead) suddenly begins to bark frantically and reclaiming clearly and for a long time our attention in the direction of a very white, very illuminated and uncluttered wall: the dog, in particular, fixes with his glance a precise point of the wall and barks at it with an intensity and for a duration that leaves we all of us of stone, after which, after 3/4 minutes very intense and never seen before, suddenly it totally stops and follows at the top, very slowly and very carefully, a precise descending arc to the right of about a couple of meters, after which it takes a few steps and, exhausted, he falls asleep heavily: all of us (5 people) we felt shivers and we were stunned and long astonished.
I it repeat: between old and new episodes, there have been five witnesses, adult and intellectually very advanced: not Huey, Dewey & Louie ...
“I am wiser than this man; for neither of us really knows anything fine and good, but this man thinks he knows something when he does not, whereas I, as I do not know anything, do not think I do either. I seem, then, in just this little thing to be wiser than this man at any rate, that what I do not know I do not think I know either.”
Plato, "Apology of Socrates, (section 21d)"