The Sun (from N.A.S.A.).
The Media and the Scientist (almost all of them) tells us that CO2 is the main cause of the increase in terrestrial temperatures.
Well, in 2022, China emitted 32.2% of the world's CO2 and India 7.4%.
Also in 2022, per capita CO2 emissions by nations saw the Persian Gulf states firmly command this global ranking.
Furthermore, there have been historical periods in which the average temperature was higher than the current one:
1) the so-called “Roman warm period” which lasted approximately from 250/200 BC. to 400 AD and during which the climate in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic area was significantly warmer (1.5-2 C°) than the current climate and, in any case, the warmest in the last 2,000 years.
2) the so-called “medieval warm period” which lasted approximately between 900 AD and and 1250 AD. and during which global temperatures are assumed to have been 1-2°C warmer than today.
It is clear to anyone that during the so-called “Roman warm period” and the so-called “medieval warm period” human production of CO2 was practically zero.
It is clear to anyone, therefore, that climate variations depend only in part on variations in terrestrial CO2 and that they also depend, for example, on variations in the Earth's orbital eccentricity, on variations in the inclination of the Earth's axis, on equinoctial precession, on variations in solar energy input, on volcanic activity, on ocean currents, etc..
In any case, it is not clear what is the logic according to which the Swedish girl (elected by popular acclaim as the leader of environmentalism despite having four diagnosed psychiatric desorders - Selective mutism, Obsessive-compulsive personality desorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity desorder, Asperger's syndrome - and despite the fact that it is even lacking even of a high school diploma) as well as her most recent emulators do not all go to protest in Beijing or the Persian Gulf instead of limit themselves hypocritically to grimacing to Trump or of blocking traffic in London or Roma.