Fatalism, prissiness & bourgeois respectability.
Certain young women, incredibly delicate, eternally childish, with their too many sighs, resigned to obey a mute duty (to a stone guest so implicitly looming and supposed as well as impalpable and ghostly), that they smell of fecundity and yet incongruously undersized as bonsai, as in an eternally suspended time, in an everlasting present without hopes and waits, perpetually shrouded in a subtle veil of gray sadness, in front of their men (men that, clearly, they do not love) seem to me (as Arthur Schopenhauer would say) "like the characters of the Italian Comedy of the Art, Pantalone and Colombina, which repeated always their role and, in a certain way, they do not live but they are lived, they do not think but they are thinked, they do not act but they are acted", in a mimesis without a becoming, without an any solution of continuity.
Certain young women, incredibly delicate, eternally childish, with their too many sighs, resigned to obey a mute duty (to a stone guest so implicitly looming and supposed as well as impalpable and ghostly), that they smell of fecundity and yet incongruously undersized as bonsai, as in an eternally suspended time, in an everlasting present without hopes and waits, perpetually shrouded in a subtle veil of gray sadness, in front of their men (men that, clearly, they do not love) seem to me (as Arthur Schopenhauer would say) "like the characters of the Italian Comedy of the Art, Pantalone and Colombina, which repeated always their role and, in a certain way, they do not live but they are lived, they do not think but they are thinked, they do not act but they are acted", in a mimesis without a becoming, without an any solution of continuity.
Because, as written by Francesco De Sanctis commenting on the aforementioned concept by the German philosopher, "... the world resembles certain Italian comedies, where, [although] under different plots of facts, you find that Pantalone is always Pantalone, and Colombina is always Colombina"),
A little 'as those actors who, rather than recognize to have chose the wrong job, they resign themselves to recite, throughout their life, an role a more humiliating than that of a background actor: the eternal role of an Mr. Stevens in "The remains of the day" and, ie, the character of the butler that, always and only, first knocking on the door, and, then, opens it to announce solemnly "...the lunch is served!".
These are the irreversible disasters produced by those fathers unconsciously narcissists (faithfully providers of repeated material cures, but emotionally manipulative and invasive, and morally blackmailers) who empty the personality of their daughters to use them as own extensions (like in a sort of vicarious existence and by proxy) for strengthening one's low personality and self-esteem, to compensate own basic mediocrity and own consequent frustrations, and to get rid of these mediocrities and frustrations symbolically even at the cost of projecting them onto their daughters.
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