"She seemed me so detached from her emotions to it give me the impression that, just before making herself photographing, she needed to check in the mirror that she was really smiling." [... I read it somewhere ...].
Edvard Munch: "Young woman on the verandah" (1924).
Was born first the wickedness or the stupidity, the ethics or the genetics, the hen or the egg?
Are we able to produce a our volition (maybe also unhealthy), or are we slaves to our nature and our fate?
Paraphrasing Robert Heinlein, when, in one of his tales, he made a character say: "You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from stupidity", one could say better that often we all tend to attribute to the will what can be adequately explained with the more trivial and mechanistic ... "Personality"!
On the other hand, in nature, when we have to trace the cause of an event, it should always be taken into account that the most probable causes are those which, for their occurrence, they require the use of the least number of variables.
The tale of "The Frog and the Scorpion" teaches a little bit, in this regard ...
["A Scorpion asks a Frog to ferry it across a river.
The Frog hesitates, afraid of being stung; but the Scorpion argues that if it did so, they would drown both.
Convinced by this argumentation, the Frog gives its consent; but, midway across the river, the Scorpion stings the Frog, dooming both to drowning.
At that point, the Frog asks to the Scorpion: "why did you do it?"
And the Scorpion replies: "because ... is in my nature to do it"]
Basically, we act like those animals they walk on the tracks of a railway, and that, when arrived the train, they escape running endlessly in front of it but never dodging it.
Well ... the "Personality" of each of us works like this.
I consider it necessary to premise that I am not a Psychiatrist and nor a Psychologist (... I am only a Lawyer!).
Yet, despite the aforementioned my formal lack of an adequate academic scientific competence, it is not only from an emotional perspective but also from a exquisitely technical and psychological point of wiew that I believe I can describe, here below (and with the certainty to provide an appreciable utility to my kind readers), a my extra-professional experience during which I had my first naive direct contact with the clinical introversion (and in particular, with the schizoid-type introversion), contact which was followed by a tiring path of progressive and always more and more full awareness of this large psychic and existential category.
Having to start identifying the Introverts, I think it is useful to contrast to them the their opposite and that is the Extroverts.
I would like to say that one of many differentiating criteria is the one for which:
1) the Introvert is far from the others (and, therefore, perceives the others collectively and has a good general vision understood as a simultaneous and whole vision of all the collectivity, but in the his distant position loses the possibility of perceiving more intimately the single individuals components the community),
2) the Extrovert is at the center of the others (and, therefore, perceives the individually and has a good vision of every their detail, but in his central position he loses the possibility of perceiving simultaneously the entire collectivity of individuals).
After that, I believe it is essential and diriment, to avoid the usual misunderstanding, to premise that the "INTROVERSION" should NOT be confused with the solely apparently related "Shyness"!
"Introvert" and "Avoidant (Shy)" are non-fungible terms (!), and them concern two well distinct conditions (despite the incredibly confusion generated to this regard, for decades until today, from a part naive and clumsy but unfortunately large of scientific literature): in fact, these are two conditions that can present a very similar symptomatic picture (and in many ways even perfectly superimposable), but which start from motivations and etiologies that are not only different but even diametrically opposite to each other (as I will try to explain later ...)!
Furthermore, in detail, I would like to use here that aforesaid my experience of first conscious contact with the schizoid personality as a sort of clinical case suitable to allow me to forward myself in the description of the two main forms of introversion (especially in their clinical declinations), and, that is:
1) the "Schizoid Personality" [S.P.D.], with its (eventual) stages progressively aggravated ("Schizotypal Personality", "Schizoaffective Disorder", "Schizophrenia") and with its cultural declension of specifically Japanese origin (the so-called "Hikikomori" people),
2) the "Asperger's Syndrome" [A.S.], which I like to define, rather, as the "Asperger's Personality".
In other words, I would like to first underline that I will try to explain the "Clinical Introversion" first of all under the emotionally subjective profile of the interlocutor of the Introvert and, only subsequently, in more theoretical, abstract and objective terms.
As far as I can and as far as I can realize, I will try to avoid writing, with regard to Schizoids and Aspergers, respectively of "Disorder" and "Syndrome" (as does the scientific literature systematically), given that I do not think that the pathologization of these two conditions can provoke virtuous effects on the awareness of the Introversion (own and of others) and on the establishment of a dialectical and reciprocal dialogue with the Introverts, since it is logically contradictory to urge the Introverts to reciprocity however speaking to them ex cathedra.
Likewise, as I will specify better at the bottom of this paper, I consider it preliminary to remove any priority or privilege to any eventual ethical (or worse moralizing) interpretative intent of the typical behaviors of Introverts, since objectively I believe the ethical reading key be it an inadequate and misleading interpretative criterion (therefore, which can only will have a function certainly unavoidable, but merely gregarious and integrative); one of my objectives, in fact, is precisely to demonstrate that the less attractive and more irritating behaviors of Introverts are not the result of their lack or absence of "Ethics" or "Formal Education" but, rather, a result of their configuration neurological (and sometimes also of their pedagogical / sociological / traumatic experience) that makes them to slide as if on an inclined plane.
It is absolutely crucial to understand that we so-called "Neurotypicals" we have a tendency to evaluate substantive attitudes of egocentrism from an ethical and formal point of view, but that this type of evaluation is in fact misleading in the face of the conduct of an extreme Introvert because he is strongly conditioned by powerful phobic and anhedonic factors that severely limit his ability to evaluate his own opportunities and, therefore, to self-determination.
But, on the other hand, I specife as of now that, here to follow, I will not use a complacent and so called "politically correct" dictionary, since, in my subdued opinion, the respect (moreover sacrosanct) has a some sense only if it disjoint to the hypocrisy.
In social life as well as medical patient, I have learned to be wary of the panders and those Doctors who claim to heal with syrups to sweet taste of cherry: the serious Doctor always prescribes bitter-tasting medicines.
So, please, that no one it feel offended or outraged or insulted from what I will write below: don't shoot the pianist!
Furthermore, to clear the field of any accusation of carrying out an analysis that is too schematic and drastic, and which, therefore, does not take into account the gradations of the Schizoid and Asperger Personalities, I am now clarifying what that I will explain better later, and that is that I am well aware that to define the Introversion it is certainly not sufficient to recognize in the subject the mere presence of some typical behaviors, but it is also necessary to take into account of:
- the number of real conducts attributable to the typical ones,
- the differentiated qualitative intensity of the single typical conducts,
- the greater or lesser frequency of typical conducts in presence or absence of other people,
- the rigidity in the maintenance of the conducts.
the Introversion can present itself with progressively very differentiated degrees of intensity on a in an scale (continuum) that ascends from the broad phenotype (or "mere style" or "mere adaptation"), to the subclinical up to the clinical, a scale in which clinical Schizoids and clinical Aspergers represent only a mere portion (albeit substantial) of Introversion as such.
Well, I immediately say that my analysis will focuses, in an explicitly privileged way, about the EXTREME and CLINICAL Introverts (!!!), ie on those Introverts who:
1) they present many of the behaviors typical of their category,
2) they present those typical behaviors with a notable degree of qualitative intensity,
3) they present those typical behaviors above all in the presence of others,
4) by their will or by their invincible tendency, they not modify these their behaviors not even in the presence of conditions which, objectively, would make a substantial modification of their conduct clearly advantageous for them.
Likewise, when from time to time I go to list the characteristics (psychological, proxemic, kinesic, morphological, etc.) that I consider typical in Introverts, I would like it to be immediately clear (as it is immediately to me too) that nobody Introvert, however extreme and so-called clinical it may be, almost never will possess all these typical characteristics but almost always only a part (often percentually very high and openly significant) of them.
I think obviously that not all the so called "Schizoids" or "Aspergers" are 100% Schizoids or Aspergers (also because each personality, in many cases but not necessarily, can be integrated also by a "sub-personality" with a complementary, vicarious and ancillary function of the "main personality"); but, that does not mean that the attempts to identification that I have adopted here are useless or, worse, misleading.
Indeed, the DSM, like a geographic map that sets the cardinal points (North, South, West, East), is nothing more than a psychological map that sets the psichic cardinal points (Schizoid, Avoidant, Narcissistic, Borderline, Paranoid, Istrionic, etc.).
Therefore, it is clear that most of the psychic types actually present in the reality will almost never match exactly to the psichic cardinal points outlined by the DSM; but this does not imply the uselessness of these cardinal points, because, if we would eliminated them, we would never know the exact position of the actual and more or less intermediate psychic types (in the same way, it is clear that, in reality, most real geographic locations are not exactly in North, or South, or West or East; but if we did not consider the cardinal points on a geographical map, then we could not know the exact position of the intermediate points between the four cardinal points), a bit like with the Cartesian axes in Mathematics.
Therefore, my aim will also (necessarily) be that of fixing the psychological cardinal points of Introversion in a vision that already premise and recognizes of be tendential: then, to you all, my readers, the inescapable (and equally necessary) task of identifying and discerning the actual, graded and intermediate characteristics that most closely fit yours personal or interpersonal experience.
My analysis (which can only tend to synthesize my experience and my intuition trough the (inevitably and unbearably rigid) psychological "categorisation" of the "typical" behaviors (on one side) and yours perception of every single concrete case (on other side), inevitably seem to me to be both two complementary sides of the same coin.
Therefore, any contraposition (rather than integration) between my experience and yours experience, in my opinion it would be rather sterile.
Well, long story short, I'll start by telling you that a few years ago, due of the onset of a my (very serious ...) medical pathology, I've had, in my quality of patient, clinicals meetings (short and coldly formal, but repeated), among others, with a girl (I would say from the apparent age of 28/30 years) which was one of my treating Doctors: therefore, I are talking about a rather adult as well as intellectually advanced person.
Moreover, said incidentally, she immediately had stood out in my eyes like gifted of a very limpid beauty (a beauty very sober and distinctly coy and full of adolescential modesty, and nevertheless, at the same time, hyperfeminilized, somewhat cheeky and exhibited; a beauty amazing and unnatural, really blinding and so ... original: somehow, she transmitting me the feeling of I had never seen anything like it before then. She vaguely resembled to the actress Romy Schneider but with long hair).
However, I had sensed, progressively and more and more sharply, that this his very powerful charm was also the result of a coexistence in her (coexistence highly unusual, as well as objectively illogical and contradictory) of:
1) features strongly avoidants (apparently ...), childishly and tenderly defensive,
2) features harshly narcissistic, hatefully dismissive and somewhat aggressive.
In her there seemed to be a incongruent and non-functional coexistence of an embarrassing shyness (and, therefore, of a colossal lack of self-esteem ... even with the addition of traits of phobia!) and, yet, also of a hypertrophic and gigantic self-esteem (as to be the prelude of who knows what huge personality). It seemed that these two internal souls they were colliding and they stomping each other's feets, they disputing the each other a narrow space and transmitting a feeling of poor mutual integration. She seemed me like a gigantic oxymoron: a bit like if anyone pretended to show me the "cold fire" or the "dry water".
Furthermore, every medical examination with her created in me, unavoidably, a clear sensation of stimulating aesthetic gratification and of subtle psychological excitement; and, however, also of ... looming uneasiness: it was as if I perceived an unusual presence and, at the same time, an unusual absence.
I felt above me a huge and nocturne cloud, stormy, black like the ink: a feeling of a further presence, incumbent like that huge rock mass in "Le chateau de Pyrenees" of René Magritte, invisible and yet perceptible, harmless and yet threatening.
René Magritte: "Le chateau de Pyrenees" (1959). |
And I felt like I was in an anechoic room: there was an echo equal to zero point zero and a deafening silence. Ie, from part of her there was not only a total lack of emotional assonance (even if only minimal!) in my direction, but there was even that lack of any vital vibration (even if only dystonic and solipsistic) wherever it was aimed, as perceivable in many paintings by Edward Hopper: silence, immobility, dilatation of time, absence of mutual gazes.
It was like I was inside a doll shop, as if a spell had anesthetized and frozed her time and had tried to do the same with mine, a bit as it happens in some nightmares distressing and yet not without charm because they make you feel victim but also protagonist of an exciting and unusual magic spell.
Edward Hopper: "Morning sun" (1952)
Every time that I met her, I had a growing perception of having to face an enigma, a maze of mirrors, an image infinitely duplicated (like the one perceived in the barbershop, when you looks at their own image in the front mirror but reflected from the behind mirror, without ever understanding which it is the original and which it is his duplicates), a mystery carefully hidden, an unconfessable secret ("secret" that, I do not know why, I tended to put in relation with the history of his family or with some his pain, unknown, intimate and precocious): unsettling sensations, these, that I immediately perceived as totally independents of her dazzling aesthetics.
Due to the exercise of twenty-year practice in my legal profession, I have had relationships with a large number of people which often they owned personalities and personal stories that are also very bizarre and extra ordinem (people with Tourette syndrome - schizophrenics - fathers who do not know that those that they have recognized as own sons are not, really, their sons - fathers who discover they have children after twenty years from the birth of their children - women that they present as own sister a girl who are in reality their daughter - men married and divorced seven times with five children by five different women - formally upright and irreproachable women, police high officers, who prostitutes themselves professionally unbeknownst of their husbands and children - males completely banal but from twenty years dependent on heroin - ... and many other situations here non-referable and that, believe me, exceed your most fertile imagination!) and, therefore (undoubtedly, also by virtue of my innate curiosity and predisposition to psychic analysis), I have developed an inexorable psychological analysis skill.
Well, despite this, I had never met a person so atypical and contradictory: so stimulating and yet so boring, so fragile and yet so rough, so linear and yet so contorted, so fascinating and yet so banal, so full of charm and glamour and yet so extremely raw and coarse, so at ease and yet so clumsy, so aggressive and yet so afraid and defensive, so theatrical and yet so discreet and reserved, so laid-back and yet so tense, so calm and yet so intolerant, so bourgeois and respectable and yet so eccentric and transgressive, so adult (!) and yet so ... immature.
And never I had experienced this feeling, impalpable yet insisted, of having to face an emotional diaphragm so invisible yet so rigidly hermetic like a showcase of a luxury jewelry store.
Amedeo Modigliani: "Portrait of a woman with a black tie" (1917).
She seemed to swing between loudly aggressive attitudes (of disdain) and loudly defensive attitudes (of secretiveness), having as the only point of balance between these two extremes an irritating expression of seraphic indifference: these were its cardinal points.
And more I had tried to show her the unfoundedness and the not necessity of these her attitudes (respectively, opposing to his disdain many demonstrations of my authoritiveness, and to his secretiveness many demonstrations of my reliability), and, paradoxically, more I reached the result (unwanted and opposite) of strengthen her oppositional and resistant conduct.
Under the first profile (the disdain), she gaved me a feeling, irritating and specious, to be busy and focused, in an exaggerated and fictitious way, about the current context, or also of being (fictitiously) peripherally hyper-focused on something totally external to the current context (something always inesorably of more urgent and more important of the current context): it was as if she wanted to send me the image, merely formal, to be the only adult and smart person engaged in something of worthy (or able to establish what was worthy and what was not worthy) in a world populated by childishly and naive people, by unworthy people, by vapid and useless jerks, by ineluctable subaltern, by androids, by mere objects.
In front of her, I felt myself respected and taken into some consideration as a human being only when I limited myself to have with her a behavior strictly subordinate and devoid of initiative. But, whenever I asked her a question (also technically relevant to the medical context) or, in any case, whenever I did not related to her in a formal and impersonal way, she (implicitly and allusively) treated me like as if I was incorrect, mischievous, inappropriate, misplaced, untimely, illogical, naive, clumsy, unworthy, irrelevant, negligible, etc..
Under the second profile (the secretiveness), she seemed to be the only people in the universe to know the magic formula for changing any crap of sewer in gold 24 kt, surrounded by an infinity of curious and malicious nosy that they wanted to steal her this philosophal stone, thus depriving her of this his special privilege.
Ultimately, she coulded make me feel, always and irretrievably, or potentially harmful or otherwise useless: tertium non datur.
Well, If for me it was undoubtedly easy and instinctive to put in connection that her "disdain" with the narcissistic drift of her dazzling beauty, what thet seemed absolutely incomprehensible to me was the reason of her extreme "secretiveness" (confidentiality, circumspection), of her silence, of her hypertrophic intolerance for any interlocution, of her rigidly self-protective and distrustful behaviour: a bit like whom wants firmly to prevent any entry into his private life in order to guard an own inconfessable secret, but, in same time, it suspects of having already been discovered. I confess to having done the most bizarre hypotheses to justify such an attitude: I have seriously assumed that she could be an illegitimate daughter, or that she could have a first-degree family member with a striking criminal history, or that she could have suffered a childhood or pre-adolescential abuse, or that she could be a secret omosexual. I knew well that these my hypotheses they were a ridiculous and a bit paranoid, but they served to placate my unbearable (and unusual!) feeling of feel myself intellectually inadequate and naive.
She seemed me, always, inexplicably engaged about a his self-contained universe (so, involuntarily, proclaiming this to all), and, always, inexplicably committed to conceal the existence of this its self-sufficient universe (or, at the worse, committed to not allow access to this his private universe, if discovered by others its existence).
A universe of which she was jealous, but of which she was ashamed.
An operation unintentionally theatrical, and yet theatrically hidden (and the more she tried to conceal or to disguise this secret, the more she revealed the existence of his secret).
His strength was also his weakness: undoubtedly, a resounding and frontal paradox.
Its attitudes they seemed to me possessed a dual meaning:
- formally, very mature, (but, substantially, childish),
- formally, very fascinating (but, substantially, clumsy),
- formally, very uninhibited (but, substantially, rarely spontaneus),
- formally, very self-confident (but, substantially, often uncomfortable).
- formally, very indifferent (but, substantially, irritated by the interaction with others),
- formally, very independent (but, substantially, continuously aimed at research of the other's intention, for preventively evading it),
- formally, very self-controlled (but, substantially, prone to impulsive reactive acts),
- formally, very committed to proclaiming its superiority (but, substantially, very worried about hiding own narrowness and inadequacy),
- formally very focused, dynamic and productive (but substantially quite absent-minded, slow and listless).
In other words, she was, formally, so full of solid and structured personality, as, substantially, totally devoid of personality, with a unusually huge gap between these two aspects, the apparent and the real, of its relational skill.
She emanated a brightness so blinding and, yet, also a so gloomy and impenetrable darkness!
She was slight like the Botticelli's "Venus" and yet also harsh like the Caravaggio's "Salomé".
Sandro Botticelli: "Birth of Venus" (1483 - 1485), detail. |
Michelangelo Merisi from Caravaggio: "Salomé with the head of John the Baptist" (1607), detail. |
His proxemics, his kinesics, her logical processes, they had revealed me, quickly and accurately (even in response to precise my stresses), its conducts as:
- stereotyped, not spontaneous;
- dichotomous, extremes, devoid of modulation;
- with a strong internal contradiction (the purposes formal and pompously pursued were diametrically contradicted from the purposes substantial and clumsily ill-concealed);
- inappropriate under a logical profile, and unsolicited from the objective needs of the context.
However, strangely enough, I had could not make a synthesis, a "reductio ad unum", an overall analysis of all these typical indicators ... even if I had sensed that I was about to discover the existence of the hidden and dark side of the Moon (but not having ever seen it, I had always thought did not exist) and that, when I finally discovered it, as an astronaut I would be afraid to go it, because I knew that in this way I would have to temporarily suspend all contact with the emotional planet from which I was coming.
- intolerance at the eye contact, active and passive. Very rarely his gaze is addressed to the others, and when adressed of others is shifty or impersonal and directed to the face: if directed at the eyes (rarely), is a oblique gaze, tense and disenchanted, that lingers for no more than 1-2 consecutive seconds. When she is looked by others, his gaze diverges almost immediately or, more rarely, can also return the others's gaze but always rather briefly, with stereotyped and not spontaneous attitude, and anyway denoting discomfort, reluctance, fear and disgust, or also indifference, or also bravado and defiant air.
- intolerance to the active physical contact, above all to the tactile one.
- albeit very rarely, she may show a incredible poor perception of his body position, in a sort of involuntary and unconscious black-out of own body's awareness, carrying out actions not aware and giving rise to episodes (totally unexpected!) of physical contact active and strongly uninhibited, placing inadvertently intimate areas of own body to contact with his interlocutor (a typical autistic gaffe!) or may not noticing to show parts (accidentally discovered), evidently intimate, of her clothing or of body. Anyhow, there is a very low and inconsistent kinesthetic and proprioceptive awareness.
- marked intolerance to the passive physical contact, especially, when the physical contact is very light and slight, with manifestations of immediate phobic retraction when she is touched or with a reaction of corporeal freezing.
- rigid demarcation and unyielding defense of the own physical space (a interpersonal space such as to never allow an intimate distance). If she can not secure for herself an adequate interpersonal distance (ie, if she cannot go away or she cannot neither interposes effective physical obstacles between himself and the interlocutor), she tends to show own side or to turn one's back on in front at the interlocutor, or tends to sit and curl up, and even to mimic a kind of fetal position. If she is sitting in front of interlocutors, tends to have own arms crossed and/or own legs crossed, and/or the elevation of the two upper epiphysis, with lowering the neck and the head, or tends to sit slantwise, orienting his legs at 45° to the interlocutor.
- standing, with a potential interlocutor that are approaching, tendency to join hands or to retain an any object between both hands or to put your hands on your thighs or in your pocket; in any case, all this in order to have excuse for not having to shake hands with at this potential interlocutor. If she is forced to shake hands at the interlocutor, looks elsewhere or extends much his arm, but keeping the trunk far behind, and, in any case, holding the hand concave.
- uneasiness, disquiet, discomfort and anxiety (sometimes with a veiled expression of disgust) in having to frequenting crowded environments.
- tendency to sneak off in front at the human relationships (almost to expressing a sudden desire for invisibility and, at the same, time a sens of shame for this own desire).
- recurring unperturbed composure and rigid self-control (absolute absence of facial mimicry - the so-called "poker face" - and of manual micro gestures, with the dignified imperturbability of a sphinx); however, very brief but acute and impulsive behaviors of snobbery, impatience, retreat, fugue.
- head position often or very upright (almost defiantly), or (especially when seated) contracted and crushed on the neck between the shoulders (like a turtle, as if to protect oneself), or very inclined forward and down (to avoid eye contact), or reclined to the side (to look away in case of eye contact already started).
- very wide movements of arms and of legs never spontaneous, always mechanical and almost robotic and puppet-style, somewhat lacking in plasticity and roundness (sometimes you notice, in fast walking, an oscillation of the arms which, rather than contrasting and counterbalancing the movement of the legs, accompanies it), with rigid and woody posture, with stiffness and absence or shortage of flexion in the elbows, in the knees and in the torso: the only bending point, though not gradual, seems to be the neck.
- walks putting at the ground, above all, the toes of foot (the so-called "toe-walking": a little as if were walking on ground strewn with puddles), sometimes with a slighty bouncy or creeping or kicking step; less often, walks putting at the ground, above all, the heel (with a rather martial gait). From sitting, rests on the ground above all the heels. In any case, a poor contact with the ground.
- the subject appears specially serene above all when is alone,
- recurrent tendency to stay alone, sitting, longly in silence and surrounded by silence, in a state of ordered quiet and in a context devoid of potentially unexpected variables, as in a state of stalemate, maybe by carrying out (with a rather staid rhythm) elementary, trivial, mechanical and repetitive activities (for example, tidy one's some own collection, apply oneself on enigmistica games, calculate one's family budget, dedicate oneself to the own hobby, make minor repairs, etc.),
- considering others irrelevant, useless, foolish and potentially dangerous, has a prioritary and central concern to avoid as much as possible interpersonal relationships (especially informal ones), or, if them are unavoidable, to limit their duration and intensity,
- this social avoidance also has the inexorable function (conscious and/or unconscious) to protect the Schizoid against the risks of an potentially uncomfortable intellectual comparison,
- to achieve the goal to avoid or limit as much as possible interpersonal relationships (especially informal ones), tends to valorise his own operational autonomy,
- cocky ostentation of own operational autonomy and of own self-confidence, with reaction of undisguised and proud impatience before the offers of cooperation of others.
- as a necessary declination of one's tendency towards own operational autonomy the Schizoid also manifests the need of own financial autonomy which in turn translates into parsimony (which, not rarely, drifts even into the stinginess) in the spending on services and on consumables or perishable goods. However, the Schizoid can, albeit quite occasionally, spending conspicuous for durable goods. The excessive spending induces in the schizoid the fear of not being able in the future to meet independently his own needs, and, therefore, having to be forced to resort to the help of others, which contrasts head-on with the most general schizoid need of autonomy from the others.
- it has an objective thinking, tendentially addressed the present and aimed at the "here and now" ("Hic et nunc", the ancient Latins would have said): every speculation is relevant only if demonstrated and susceptible of a practical and not too futuristic application,
- seems to be methodically focused (with a somewhat staid cadence) on tactical, practical, minimal, current (economic management, study, work) and short-medium-term objectives, and lacking of a strategic and of long-term vision as well as of objectives that are not immediately practical and objective,
- under the strictly executive and job profile, not rarely it seems hyper focused, carefull, scrupulous, conscientious, meticulous and even punctilious and finicking, but at the same time also, paradoxically, peripherally engaged, absent-minded, superficial, hasty, careless, clearly sloppy, a little slow, like if revealing an underlying lack of emotional motivation,
- it has a dichotomous and binary thinking. Analysis and judgment always rotate between two opposites ("tertium non datur"), and every time that she is required a gradation in analysis and in judgement, she believes that these gradations not are important or are useless or misleading or malicious or instrumental (etc.). [This rigidly dichotomous structure of Schizoid and its inability to grasp the possible nuances of the others's analysis and judgment, in the long run, induces the Schizoid to a progressive cognitive detachment from reality, and ie, often: 1) to analyze and to judge the reality in very net and sharp terms (when the analysis originates from her ...), and, on the other hand, to believe that the great part of reality is not objectively analysable and judgeable (when the analysis comes from the others and it is different from its own ...), 2) to perceive the analyzes and judgments of others, when articulated and complex and not coinciding with the own, as an expression of speciousness and captiousness, and then almost like a treacherous personal attack at own intellectual dignity.].
- bare, pragmatic and dry relational demeanor, emptied, pruned and stripped of any subjective need and, in any case, of any not strictly and contingently necessary variable (sometime generating an atmosphere vaguely reminiscent of the slowness, the greyness, the asepticity and the mechanicity of certain neorealist-style films made in the countries of real socialism in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century).
- tendency to live in houses or furnished in a very bare way (most of the time) or crowded by a disordered accumulation of objects.
- It has a severe lack of emotional expression: the outward manifestations positive (affection, happiness) and negative (sadness, choler) are rare and usually of very limited intensity (when, rarely, the Schizoid incurs in emotional excess, immediately conveys the feeling of wanting to quickly regain a condition of peace and rationalization of the context). Therefore, the emotive range externally expressed it is extremely ristricted and the most recurrent visible (pseudo) emotion is (paradoxically ...) the indifference.
- upon observation, the repeated and increasingly growing sensation is that the Schizoid has not only a meager and almost absent emotional expression but also has a meager and almost absent effective emotional perception as well as an equally meager and almost absent emotional competence,
- lacks of desire; it practically never manifests desires, wishes and hopes, and betrays indifference, intolerance, discomfort and irritation in the face of other's expression of desires and of mere other's manifestations of auspiciousness and hopes,
- with highly selected (unilaterally selected) people (very often, one or two close relatives) can have very rare and sudden explosions of enthusiasm, excitation and even of euphoria (entirely unexpected and unpredictable!), much short but vibrant, really amazing, very naive and that reminiscent of those typical of the first adolescence, grossly disproportionate and exaggerated compared to the their probable cause, and in inconceivable logical contradiction with the previous behavior of absolute detachment, of ostentatious indifference and even worse of contempt. These people are considered by the Schizoid connoisseurs of his personality and, at the same time, respectful, not impulsive and not inclined to emotional initiatives, and, therefore, suitable to be elected intermediaries authorized to allow a safe contact between the Schizoid and his emotions (between the Schizoid and the out-of-self) and, by proxy, between the Schizoid and the world of interpersonal relationships.
- the choice of people whom the extreme Schizoid considers reliable in terms of formal relationships and even more so in terms of (very eventual, rare and qualitatively partial) non-formal relationships, is always an exquisitely unilateral choice. Ie, among the abstractely eligible people in this sense, the extreme Schizoid will always makes a choice in favor of interlocutors who do not actively propose themselves. So, if (for the most varied reasons) someone will aspire to a relationship with an extreme Schizoid, it need to do is appear emotionally self-controlled and non-invasive: the extreme Schizoid will or will not do everything else.
- chronic disinterestedness for the negotiation between one's own interests and the interests of others, even when such negotiation is obviously possible and likely to be fruitful and the renunciation of it constitutes a clear prejudice for the realization of one's own interests (therefore, a relational logic according to the scheme "or all or nothing").
- exterior blasé behaviors and of emotional coldness, of aloofness, of snobistic nonchalance, of neutrality, of calm but immovable extraneousness, of haughtiness, of disinterestedness, of indifference, of impassibility, of emotional detachment, of constant non-involvement (and of silent but stubborn refusal to be involved), of uncare, of unconcern, of serene imperturbability.
- with his interlocutors, appears firmly and stubbornly reluctant to empathize, with a very low tendency to offer one's apologies for any own relational errors, to compliment, to recognize merits and qualities, to thank, to encourage, and in any case to please: in this sense, the Schizoid is the worst supporter for an emotional interlocutor.
- tendency to prune one's social position of every subjective characteristic as if to denounce a secret aspiration to anonymity.
- recurrent need of take clear-cut and absolute pauses (of a few hours or of a few days) in socialization, to limit the quantity and, not less, to dilute the quality and emotional intensity of one's interpersonal relationships, as for to "recharge" himself and for to focus exclusively on own inner world: a classic behavior of this type is that of to interrupt of the receptivity of own cell phone and/or to absent himself suddenly and unpredictably, taking refuge in strictly private places or in unknown places (making lose own tracks), or, more trivially, if it is forced to move in public (on foot, by train, by plane) to resorting to the trick of wearing headphones to pretend to be engaged in listening to music. The very few married schizoids as well as the schizoids living with their parents often they tend to reserve to themselves an own additional room with strictly exclusive access, or to purchase (or rent) a further (also small) apartment to be used as hiding place and shelter (therefore, where to not to have to support the effort to reject others or where not to have to invent pretexts for not treating others or where not to have to pretend to accept others: a place that must perform a function halfway between that of Linus's safety blanket and that of Hitler's bunker).
- especially when relationship pressures are at their most pressing, tendency to periodic disappearances (the so called "ghosting") from a few hours to a few days, periods during which all multimedia communications are interrupted or ignored.
- despite the evident formal emotional detachment and the formal staid focus on its own loomings, substantially (though silently and secretly) hypervigilant, tireless and obsessive in to monitoring (out of the corner of eye) others's behaviors (as a sort of CCTV-closed circuit surveillance camera), in order to prevent their relational attempts. In any case, can indulge in very brief peeks of secret and fleeting curiosity.
- in the presence of an interlocutor (real or potential), demeanor formally hyper adult and of seriousness and maturity (sometimes sober and dry, but more often ostentatious, vaguely hieratic and solemn, not infrequently so redundant, pompous and inappropriate as to result somewhat artificial and ridiculous): demeanor, this, aimed at to rule the relational context and to making it hyper formal and, therefore, to freezing any initiative and informal behavior of the own interlocutor.
- especially with the interlocutors emotionally more spontaneous and, therefore, potentially more invasive (in front of which, that is, is more urgent and serious the need to maintain or restore adequate physical and emotional distance), unconscious and unrelenting need of to flaunt, dramatize, theatricalize, platealize and emphasize own indifference, own nonchalance, own unconcern, own non-competitiveness, own snobbery, own superciliousness, own haughty and adult detachment from the prosaic other people's affairs, own mocker smile of subtle devaluation and of contempt for others, and every other own indifferent, defensive and rejecting behaviours.
- difference (sometimes marked) between own overt manifestations and own covert and secret sensations, ie beetween the external representation (often deliberately blatant and scenographic) of one's emotional state and the effective internal perception of one's emotional state, according to a somewhat recurrent equation for which the stronger and destabilizing it is the internal emotional perception and greater it is the nature contrary, counterfeit and theatrical of his external representation (formal ostentation of indifference in the face of substantial emotional involvement, formal ostentation of superiority in the face of a substantial state of subjection, of self-sufficiency in the face of a substantial state of envy, etc. ...).
- oscillation between recurrent behaviors (very hateful and irritating!) of blatant ostentation of superiority, arrogance, cockiness, haughtiness, pompousness, snobbery, sufficiency, boredom, huff, irritation, dudgeon, snooty contempt, also almost of disgust, of mocking irony, on one side, and, on the other side, rarer but evident behaviors defiladed and a bit disconsolate, of dignified affliction, dejected and disheartened, which occasionally becomes of respect, of obsequiousness, and, unexpectedly, even of deference (attitude, the latter, that is put in place by the Schizoid when the interpersonal relationship is inevitable, especially in the professional field and in the presence of third parties, and provided the interlocutor it is intellectually advanced and socially elevated, almost as if to suggest and to propose unconsciously to the interlocutor a sort of pact of exchange: the schizoid show to accepts and to emphasize uncritically the role of the interlocutor and, correlatively, it expects that interlocutor to accept equally uncritically the anomalous relational disinterest of him Schizoid); more generally, oscillations between recurrent attitudes of exhibited and hypertrophic superiority and much rarer but in any case evident behaviors of galled and irked inadequacy and embarassed inferiority,
- sometimes (very rarely ...) it allows the presence and role of a specific interlocutor and tends to express this acceptance/tolerance to him with small and isolated gestures of a purely symbolic nature: a small regard, an informal word, a brief confidential phrase, a fleeting sign of benevolence, a slight compliment, a minimal token.
- be it as well very very rarely, capable of (unexpected and unpredicted) short moments of moderate nearness and intimacy with personalities clearly similar to own (that is, only with people who do not present any potential risk of being able or to willing to intensify the quantity and/or the emotional quality of the interpersonal relationship with them Schizoids and that, moreover, it is almost certain that they will not be irritated by the haughty and distrustful attitudes of the Schizoid) or with very few carefully selected relatives (not necessarily a parent or a brother or a sister: maybe a grandfather/grandmother or a cousin).
- tendency towards rigid conformism of a somewhat bourgeois mold, however occasionally contradicted by sudden frontally eccentric and oppositional attitudes.
- ethical inconsistency, with attitudes of remarkable dedication and of solemn moralism which can also result in judgments and interventions of firm condemnation in the face of injustice committed to the detriment of third parties, which however sometime suddenly alternating with conducts ethically very sloppy, transgressive in carefree mode (zero remorses!), frontally self-centered and in aware and open infringement of the rules. Therefore, also perceptible recurrence of subtly antisocial conducts (sometimes of a purely symbolic and exemplary character), an expressions of reaction to social expectations, in a sort of primitive defense of one's own freedom (a bit like it happens to adolescents, when they assume apodictically oppositional behaviors in front of parental expectations and precepts, as if to defend their autonomous identity), especially when the interlocutor attempts to modify the purely formal relationship by introducing non-formal and emotional elements, or even often in rather hierarchical or team-based work environments.
- resistance (silent, passive, omissive and obstinate) in not wanting to perform unwanted obligations or in the not take unforeseen responsibilities.
- cynicism somewhat smug, sometimes cruelly scornful, sharp and mocking.
- generally, secretly envious (highly dismissive of the success of others; strongly tending to ridicule the failure of others); above all, envious of spontaneous people, tends to snub or mock or hurt them, in order to induce them to a behavior formal and emotionally absolutely sober.
- resistance into answer to the direct questions when these require answers clear and source of commitment. In any case, the answer to the questions of others is never immediate or impulsive, but is always preceded by a short mute pause or by a breath, or it can be clearly late, or it must be expressly requested or urged.
- difficulty and slowness in making of quick choices.
- slight but constant formal inadequacy. If she is kind (rarely), is so in a stereotypical way, hastily, with affectation, mannerism and emotional distance.
- serious difficulties in expressing verbal or gestural delicacy and tenderness; at unease, stiff and clumsy when is being treated with verbal or gestural delicacy and tenderness; tends to adopt a gaunt and little progressive and modulated gestures, according to a module that, also on the communicative (verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal) and tactile level, reflects the dichotomy (white or black, right or wrong, all or nothing) of his thought.
- rapid oscillations between attitudes of demureness, of prudish and virginal soberty, of much redundant, inappropriate and non-conferring prudery (a composure a bit like that of a certains teenage girl pupils of a nuns's school of nineteenth-century or of certain goody-goody girls of a many novels by Jane Austen, with clothing distinctly formal, austere, colorless, vaguely outmoded, or in a style vaguely preteens or androgynous, almost as if to signify the need to desexualize own image and to protect own herself in advance and firmly from who knows what imminent sprawling sexual assault), and (rarer but evident) unconsciously seductive or vaguely exhibitionistic or also uninhibited demeanors (clothing, makeup and hairstyle, extremely sophisticated and captivating, feminine, fashionable, of clear coquetry, vain and alluring, eccentrically seductive, flashy, subtly cheeky and somewhat exhibitionist), as if to perform herself but, at the same time, if to hide herself (in a contradictory logical short circuit in which people they must look and admire her, but don't touch her and not think her): the occasional theatrical performance paradoxically has the aggressive purpose of making it clear to the interlocutor that the exhibited self will never be granted to him and that the self that will never be granted to him has such a high value that it can be exhibited and flaunted,
- preconceived, indiscriminate, non-specific, and wrong-headed distrust of others (any attempt, also calm and reasonable, to demonstrate to Schizoid the objective groundlessness of his skepticism and, therefore, to prove to her the own harmless seriousness and own objective reliability ends up strengthening, paradoxically, his mistrust), a paradoxical reaction, this, which it is very reminiscent of that of the Paranoid, although this schizoid reaction compared to the paranoid one it's more shallow and hasty, and not obsessive as it is immediately definitive, and particularly (i.e. not autonomous, but activated only by the other's presence),
- a strangely very restricted core of fundamental and non-renounceable needs (enhancement and defend one's operational and financial autonomy, outdistance physically and psycologically others), and, on the other hand, a manifest marginalisation of social, empathic, affective and sentimental needs.
- a schizoid life that gives the impression of monotony and greyness, focused on working, earning, saving and completing small daily tasks, in a context without external variables, characterised by the absence of people, by the absence of noise and by the immobility of the context,
- she does not seem gratified by any activity, context or encounter, and it never expresses some own visible satisfaction, as if she didn't knew the experience of desire and of pleasure (anhedonia), not interested in the experience of pleasure, sharing, conflict, autistically focused on itself and on self-satisfaction for one's existential and operational autonomy, with an apparent absence of any planning or strategy aimed at achieving one's own happiness. At most, one can notice a certain relief and satisfaction when the Schizoid, after a period of intense sociality, recovers own solitude,
- evident lack of motivation (anhedonia) in the interpersonal relationships (chronic, lack of motivation very marked or even absolute even when the benefits of the potential relationship are indisputably objective and sensationally enormous) that is superimposed on an unmanageable repulsion (phobia) towards the interpersonal relationships: both these factors ("lack of motivation" and "repulsion") are all the more marked the less formal and more emotional is the type of interpersonal relationship that, rispectively, abstractely prospected itself or concretely presents itself. The Schizoid substantially does not experience any autonomous and instinctive impulse to relate to others and does not experience any particular and significant emotional gratification in relating to others (even more so when the potential interpersonal relationship promises to be intimate and non-formal). Consequently, the Schizoid, given that he has no substantial drive and no substantial purpose in relating to others, projects this relational disinterest onto others (a schizoid projection that draws on the autistic projection in some ways and on the paranoid projection for others ways) and, therefore, not understands which it is the motivation of relational impulse of others in his regards. In other words, the Schizoid has a perception of the relational attempt of others towards him or as devoid of effective motivations and reasons (and as such insane, illogical, stupid, childish, futile, and therefore to be rejected) or as motivated by reasons and motivations subjectively existing in the interlocutor but that the Schizoid is unable to understand in substance (especially when the reasons and motivations of others are emotional, affective, sentimental, reasons to which the Schizoid is unable to respond because these reasons and motivations are missing in his cognitive and expressive register; relational reasons and motivations other's that the Schizoid perceives as unknowable not because of an own limitation of understanding, but because the relational reason and motivation other's are secret and, consequently, made secret by their interlocutor with the only logical aim of concealing from the Schizoid the unspeakable purpose of the relational initiative, an unspeakable purpose because it is malevolent and therefore potentially harmful for the Schizoid).
- astute and misleading inclination to accredit in others the belief that their emotive or affective or sentimental direct manifestations are, objectively and inexorably, illegitimate or unjustified or exaggerated or inappropriate or immoral or mischievous or instrumental or untimely or unclear or un-serious or childish or in bad faith or ironic (etc.), adopting a passive-aggressive and paternalistic approach aimed at verbally mocking and humiliating the interlocutor while maintaining a facade of reasonableness and maturity; therefore, the Schizoid always tries stubbornly any pretext to convince others of own objective impossibility of evaluate their social or emotive or affective or sentimental direct manifestations on their merit and on their objective substance (cowardly trying to speddling as objective an impossibility instead merely presumed and subjective, and downloading on the others the responsibility for this own alleged impossibility), in order of not to show its profound disregard for human relationship in general, but, above all, in order of not having to refuse, directly and in the merit, the emotional, affective and sentimental direct manifestations, and, thus, really get in human contact with each other, albeit temporarily.
- unexpected and clear alternation and contrast between recurring attitudes of mastery and self-confidence, iron emotional self-control and lucid management of the incumbents, of the interpersonal relationships, of the stress and of the eventual failure (on the one hand), and more isolated but striking trend to go suddenly haywire, with rigidity, clumsiness, emotional and operational short circuit, phobic paralysis and with snap and angular deviation in behavioral logic (on the other).
- the relationship (potential or real) with others produces in the Schizoid a series of sensations and of effects that are placed along a continuum along which the other can be seen, with a sensation of increasing intensity, like useless and not at all palatable, like intrusive and meddlesome, like threatening and harmful, thus generating a corresponding increasing emotional reaction of indifference, of distrust, to anxiety, to panic.
- behaviour of capillary subtraction or of reluctance (or, in the most nuanced and less compromise schizoids, behaviour of passive submission) in front to the intersexual human relationships (even against that more physiological and respectful): schizoid behaviours that the not schizoids they misunderstands inesorably (wrongly ...) as strong virginal modesty and extreme sense of sexual decency.
- expecially facing to the excessive physical closeness of others, and, above all, facing to the emotional, affective and sentimental direct manifestations of others, very inexorable attitudes of elusion, of rationalization, of intellectualization, of disapproval, of derision, of intolerance, of contempt (... may also have reactions very hard of discomfort, restlessness and anxiety and also of abrupt physic retraction and substantially of clear phobic matrix with a plateal expression of scandalized disbelief and amazement, as well as, in extreme cases, even very brief but intense psychotic-style crisis that result in panic and/or ... even physical escape!).
- while the relational initiative of others towards the Avoidant if accompanied by reassurances about the objective reliability, seriousness, usefulness and respectful delicacy of the interlocutor is of comfort for the Avoidant and lead him progressively to open up, conversely the relational initiative of others towards the Schizoid if it is accompanied by reassurances about the objective reliability seriousness, usefulness and respectful delicacy of the interlocutor paradoxically generates an exactly opposite effect and a growing distrust, according to a logic that suggestively reminiscent the confirmation bias of paranoid logic ("if it is not explaines it means that it has something to hide, but if it is explaines it means that it has something to justify and apologize for ... and, therefore, I was right to be distrust"),
- strong reservedness and reticence (which, at times, results in a rigid and impermeable secretness!) respect to own privacy, even with reference to details clearly marginal or utterly insignificant. This so rigid and generalized secrecy of the Schizoid often leads his interlocutor to mistakenly believe that said secrecy derives from his own inability to inspire sufficient trust in the Schizoid and, therefore, induces him to try to prove own reliability to the Schizoid, however paradoxically obtaining an exacerbation of the distrust of the Schizoid. At that point, the interlocutor thinks that the secrecy of the Schizoid is not due to an alleged unreliability of the interlocutor but, rather, to the existence of a serious and unspeakable secret, specific and particularly unmentionable. In reality, it suggest the existence of a more general and genuine internal psychic world, meticulously dissembled e jealously guarded by all the external intrusions because considered by the Schizoid at the same time certainly inadequate, inappropriate and embarrassing but also incredibly valuable: a world clearly unreal and fictitious which, however, is experienced by the Schizoid as more authentic because it is not shared.
- secretly proud and touchy (although externally may flaunts indifference, nonchalance, aloofness and even smug disregard), with a slow but inexorable rancorous reaction, subtle and undergrounded but perceptible.
- beyond the almost constant emotional flatness (and of premeditated and scenographic attitudes of indifference, detachment, arrogance, contempt, derision, etc.), it seems prey of only two genuine and not instrumental emotions (even if often clumsily hidden to the exterior): 1) of distrust (it is often wary), a distrust that becomes fear and even terror (sudden, refractory to any reassurance and, therefore, with phobic traits), 2) of huff, annoyance, resentment and of an suffocated anger, almost to betray a secret desire to retaliate and to give an exemplary punishment.
- a very few initiatives of irony (almost always with a cynical, derisive and sarcastic background, extremely steeped of perfidy, aimed at undermining the interlocutor's behavioral ease). Not collects ever the irony of others. Complete absence of self-irony!
- except for the attitudes of lashing and cynical irony which are often placed on the level of demeanor and overall style and which never result in an open and frank laugh, tha laugh is almost completely absent; very very rarely, may occur giggles (entirely unexpected and unpredictable, very tender and delicate, but ridiculously immature and of preadolescencential style, through clenched teeth).
- speech rare, slow, lazy, listless, tiring, weary, not infrequently with an expression that betrays boredom, disinterest, annoyance, nuisance, maybe preceded by a initial short exhalation (as of one who feels compelled to carry out, for the umpteenth time, a wasteful activity, useless and redundant), basically impersonal, concise, laconic, pragmatic, concrete, dry, of mere ascertainment of reality (understood as irremovable or uninteresting), often result of an answer to a question and with late and short replies, poor of tonal variations, in tone medium-low, sometime with a cadence slightly singsong, solemn, vaguely admonitory and professorial, with stereotyped, formal, trite, rhetorical and of circumstance phraseology,
- seemingly limited vocabulary, with poverty of terminological variety (alogia) and poverty of descriptive ability (especially in describing emotional and artistic experiences),
- excessively formal, mannered, bombastic and stilted language compared to the concrete circumstance which, on the contrary, would require a more agile and colloquial language .
- a tendency to the so-called "autocentric use of language": often, the Schizoid, when speaking (when rarely he/she speak ...) with one or more interlocutors, uses the "I" (or at least the "We"), and much more rarely the "You" or the "They",
- very scarce frequency to asking questions to others.
- tendency to depersonalize, empty, slow down and narcotize direct and vis a vis interpersonal relationships, this to discourage the interlocutor but also to dictate a slow pace to the conversation and thus be able to inhibit or detect promptly and in time every potential impulsive initiative of the interlocutor and so to better face them,
- (a bit like of someone who must perform an activity of which not only it does not know the rules, but, also, of which it not understand the purpose) difficulty, discouragement and irritation in the face of reasoning non-binary, non-objective and purely abstract and devoid of practical fallout, to thinking in metaphor, in use of symbolic models, in understanding of verbal nuances or of puns or of verbal innuendo and allusions or of figurative or surreal or paradoxical language or of idiomatic phrases or of subtle irony, with a certain tendency to interpret literally the phraseology of others,
- on the one hand, it tends to intellectualization and rationalization one's conduct and to exalt one's will (and, therefore, among others, tends to explain and maybe even to proclaim emphatically) one's conduct as the exclusive result of one's own conscious and reasoned choices, based on rigorously logical and objective data, but, on the other hand, tends to the intellectual self-referentiality and, therefore, tends scrupulously to subtract from the scrutiny of others the effective logical foundation of those own reasoning that "obliged" him to choose those own behaviors inevitably consequent (and, if forced to an interpersonal comparison on the point and to be denied and contradicted frontally, objectively and per tabulas on the merits, it tends to trivialize the problem and to rushed and embarrassed dialectical diversion). Therefore, if first to exorcise the mechanical and dichotomous component of one's thought it tends to an abstract thought, then indulges in a reasoning aimed at finding any element that confirms its starting thesis, however excluding everything that contradicts it ("αὐτός" thought, to self-tought),
- behaviors that presuppose and imply to some hypertrophic consideration of the specialty and originality of one's intellectual capacity (in reality not rarely higher than in the average of the general population but mostly under the profile merely executive, mnemonic, notional, and analytically mechanical; but, however, often very scarce under the profile emotional, communicative and artistic), with a paradoxical (secret) tendency to consider themselves like capable of peculiar creative ideation and to not share with others the contents of this own alleged skill, as if it were an intellectual work to be protected from theft, as still copyright-free [under this profile, the Schizoid has a diametrically opposite tendency to that of the Avoidant, who, conversely, as a subject typically with low self-esteem, tends to underestimate also his own intellectual capacity]. This (always implicit) hypertrophic perception of one's (claimed) superior intellectual capacity of the Schizoid as well as the jealous protection of this (claimed) superior intellectual capacity are a direct variables of schizoid secrecy and they justifies this secrecy; both this factors ("claimed intellectual superiority" and "secrecy") respond to twofold purpose more or less conscious: 1) they provide to the Schizoid a pretext not to relate to others and, therefore, to nourish his autistic component; 2) they provide to the Schizoid a pretext to support the fragility of his "Ego" and, therefore, to nourish his narcissistic component, however without to risk to submit hisself the others's intellectual examination and, therefore, without risking to see descovered the insubstance of own personality,
- special capacity of self-diagnosis, but particular inability and reluctance to acknowledge the substantial mechanical nature and decontextualization of one's own behaviors (own behaviors that, conversely, are ascribed to one's own marked capacity for analysis and choice),
- very good average I.Q.,
- long-term memory higher than average, sometimes even formidable.
- rather scarce, formal, merely notional and not various general knowledge and culture (also in people with high professional skills), with poor eclecticism.
- cognitive process characterized by poor intuition,
- tendency to excellent school and academic performance.
- from a merely technical point of view, good level of professional competence or in any case of specialized competence.
- especially in jobs that require social interaction, tendency to the underperformance in working and professional terms (professional success not adequate to the theoretical skills possessed, dedication to work limited to the strictly necessary, progressive lowering of the hours of work and even early abandonment of work if the Schizoid is in pairs with a partner with an income).
- tendency to a rigid compartitioning of working life (which, therefore, is first of all subjected to rather rigid schedules, and which, then, is structured as a sphere sharply distinct from the sphere of private life). The aforementioned compartitioning also manifests itself inside the sphere of own private life, favoring one-to-one relationships and avoiding putting these individuals in contact with each other.
- tendency to live the social reality in a formal, detached and somewhat hasty way, giving the impression to be longing to take refuge as soon as possible in one's inner world, alternative to the real one and in which the Schizoid becomes a writer of a script almost of cinematic kind that it populates of interests, times, stories, protagonists that allow him to live (finally in safety because merely by proxy) that sociality and that emotions that his autistic component inhibits it in real life, and which, also, allow it of fully express (but avoiding the interpretations and reactions of others) those underground feelings of megalomaniac grandeur and of furious anger that feed the its narcissistic component.
- reluctant to physical activity and not motivated to practice sports (especially group ones).
- ease in carrying out of solitary and/or of intellectually mechanical activities.
- very rare hobbies and extra-professional interest or activities, often of a merely executive nature and, also if of a creative or more purely intellectual nature, carried out mechanically, lazily and without particular talent, and performed without showing particular emotional gratification (hobbies which often require a methodical and operational slowness and which seem to be pursued with the apparent aim of slowing down time, of producing a pseudo-sedative effect and, no less, of producing as long as possible an pretext for not having interpersonal relationships during the moments of professional pause),
- severe reluctance to the verbalisation,
- severe reluctance to be photographed or filmed,
- severe reluctance to use of the phone (it may often happen that you all find, even for a long time, the mobile phone of the Schizoid turned off or that you do not receive an answer for days to a your message),
- inclination to tolerate the written communication,
- frugality in the feeding (can also prefer tasty foods, but eats them slowly and often in low quantities), with a tendency to a rather strict diet (and, sometime, to the "Avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder").
- tendency to the attention to own health or, even, to a slight hypochondria.
- especially in the females, coexistence of some psychological traits typical of the opposite sex.
- extreme prudery and scandalized embarrassment when faced with open bodily displays of affection (hugs, caresses, kisses, etc.) and in talking about sexuality or gossip of a romantic and sexual nature (thereby revealing a powerfully hypertrophic perception of one's private sphere, especially the emotional and sexual one).
- egosyntonic vision of one's personality which is perceived by the Schizoid as substantially compliant with their expectations and, therefore, not in need of modifications and adjustments. In this sense, the Schizoid will turn to the Psychologist or Psychiatrist only when he perceives that he is suffering appreciable work limitations or when he falls into major depression or when his rare and brief almost psychotic states acquire ever greater frequency and intensity, leading him towards Schizotypy.
- slender and asthenic body structure, with scarce fat accumulation and poor musculature.
- often, a rather gaunt face.
- long-limbed hands and feets, slender and long fingers, and thin wrists and ankles, and generally slender bone structure,
- tendency to baldness and receding hairline.
- cold hands, with a mechanical and little progressive tactility.
- absent sweating (even under stress).
- facial expressions rather standard and that can take on the features: 1) of haughty snobism (the most of the time ...), 2) of impassive neutrality and indifference, 3) of adult hyper seriousness and hyper maturity, always peripherically hyper focused (how of whom can't afford to relate to others, because he has always much more serious matters to think about), 4) of just sketched enigmatic little smirk (in Monna Lisa's style), or, most rarely, of the stereotypated and mechanical smile (in Elizabeth II's style) or vaguely clownish, 5) of boyish composure (with upper lip slightly covering the lower lip slightly), or of boyish astonishment and bewilderment (to lips just open, with a immobile and suxpended facial expression, with eyes well open).
- absence of deep and visible breathing.
- low incidence of psychosomatic diseases.
As can be seen, it is a personality full of contradictions and of rapid oscillations between diametrical opposites:
- ostentation / secrecy,
- bravado / awkwardness,
- arrogance / fear,
- maturity / childishness,
- indifference / vigilance,
- anesthesia / hyperesthesia.
William Merritt Chase: "Portrait of Virginia Gerson" (1880).
A personality that, when she feels forced to the sociality, senses that it would be socially too much disadvantageous and formally and ethically altogether unacceptable for her to going away or to intimating directly to the every potential interlocutor to move away, or of not to approach, or of not to speak to her, or do not touch to her, and consequently, to reach own goal (a physical and emotional distance of safety from others), she is forced to use (in way obstinate and stubborn and not rarely unconsciously) alternative techniques, indirect, socially obstructionistic, disincentivizing, tense to discourage and demotivate any potential interlocutor and, therefore, techniques direct to minimize the probability of human relationships and of their quantity and quality (in particular, of non-formal, intimate and intense human relationships) and the related risks of emotional and physical contact.
So, the schizoid is continuously pledged to prevent (or, in the worst of cases, to sabote) the begin the own interpersonal relationships:
- before, with the predisposition of wide physical space between himself and the other person;
- after, if necessary, with the demarcation of interpersonal distance, through the predisposition of physical obstacles between himself and the other person).
When, despite the use of the previous precautions, it is not possible to avoid the human relationship (because it is partially already started), the schizoid repeats the same two previous shrewdness, but, this time, by applying it to no longer at the physical distance but at the emotional distance, and, therefore:- predisposes an emotional distance with the interlocutor;
- after, if necessary, interposes an emotional obstacle between himself and the interlocutor.
Much of the life of the schizoid is occupied by the adoption of these measures, applied progressively in the following order:
- the remoteness (1st)
- the surveillance (2nd),
- the delimitation (3rd)
- the deterrence (4th).
When, despite the adoption of the previous measures, the other part is able to enter into emotional and physical intimacy with the schizoid, the latter, often, goes in psychotic short circuit, and resorts to the 5th and final measure:
- the escape. This last may seem like an exaggerated and dramatized description, but it is important to understand that, in reality, the Schizoid, faced with a relational commitment perceived as insistent or intimate, may (ex abrupto, suddenly (!) and in a clearly surprising, awkward and ridiculous way or in a seriously inappropriate and unacceptable way from the social context point of view) quickly walk away or unilaterally drop a telephone conversation even if much formal, or not respond to polite and pertinent questions, etc. ...
Edvard Munch: "Two human beings (The lonely ones)" (1905). |
Obviously, this compelling need of the Schizoid to avoid (and, at worst, to saboter) any chance of sociability, however, in terms of logic, obliges the same schizoid to justify (in the eyes of interlocutors, but, above all, in their own eyes!) its autarkic position, its autistic isolationism, so pervasively compulsive how so physically exhausting and mentally expensive. For this reason, the Schizoid, accordingly, unconsciously but inevitably, for make logical sense accomplished at own personality, ends to builds an own superior ego, an grandiose image of himself (in my view, also to builds a sort of mythology of himself and of its past, reworking all it in key fantastic and self-referential, with extensive use of the mechanisms of denial and of removal): an self-image that, therefore, authorizes the Schizoid to be considered himself rightly autonomous and self-sufficient (and, then, not needy of contribution of others). And, not for chance, in this way, the Schizoid reproduce, unconsciously, the maternal and paternal subliminal message (very primordial, selfish, deceitful and silly, very typical of schizoid parents or of narcissistic parents): an message tense to instilling, surreptitiously and sneakily, in the same their son, an belief to be existentially very special and absolutely higher (this in order to clean the own parental conscience, and for fictitiously indemnify their son of the own parental inability to give affection).
Well, just when the schizoid explains its isolation (autistic start) as a necessary effect of its autonomy (obsessive-compulsive transit) and, after, explains this its autonomy as a necessary effect of his claim intellectual superiority (narcissistic arrival), I think it is precisely then that the fate of the schizoid is accomplished. In this way, in fact, the schizoid repeatedly misunderstands and exchanges the cause from the effect, and acquires habituality with this pattern of thinking, and, in doing so, it abandons itself to the undoubtedly genetic component of one's style of thought but lost definitively the the ability to track down the most strictly psychological and cultural component of his psychic isolation.
Hans Rudolf Giger: "Work n.217, ELP II" (1973).
Therefore, synthesizing at the extreme the features I listed above, the "Schizoid personality" seems to me, very suggestively, above all and substantially a very bizarre mixture among the overwhelming part of the typical and essential characteristics of two opposites psychic figures:
- the NARCISSISM: except for the "susceptibility to criticism and praise" (at least not visually evident on the outside in the Schizoids) and partially for the "manipulation of others for one's own ends" (which in Schizoids is inhibited by own autistic component and is essentially indirect and of type passive-aggressive, eventually limited to marriage) and likewise partially for the "envy" (which in the Schizoids is limited to the envy of the sponaneity of others), well in the Schizoids they are found, as typical narcissistic elements the grandiose image of himself, apparent emotional self-control in the face of stress and of failure, the absent empathy, the self-centeredness, the banalized and faded vision of the others, the cynism, the indifference, superiority, arrogance, contempt, haughtiness and snobbery and the obstentation of these latter psychic states,
- the AUTISM: typical in the Schizoids the intolerance to eye contact, the intolerance to physical contact, the difficulty to understanding others psyche, the self-centeredness, the poor interest for others psyche, the accentuation of the autistic attitude of phobia for physical contact with others that in the case of Schizoids it extends also to the emotional contact with others (phobia for intimacy), the substantial anhedonia.
A binary system in which the narcissistic component appears to be somewhat prevalent on the autistic component, in a continuous and conflictual rebound between:
1) the narcissistic need to appear and to exhibit to outside own grandiosity (blatantly, also if always superficially and under a purely formal profile),
2) the autistic need to disappear and to hide (own grandiosity, to a large extent, is projected inside and defended against others's intrusions).
A mixture in which, anyway, each of two those elements supposes and justifies the other, in a vicious loop intended to self-feed himself. A mixing through which the narcissistic grandeur is enveloped and sealed by the autistic defense.
The Schizoid, treated in childhood not as a subject but narcissistically and therefore as an object (perhaps accurately, but still always instrumentally, as an entity without volition or with an irrelevant or otherwise subordinate volition), should tend narcissistically to do the same with others, and, therefore, should tends to treat others as objects. However, unlike the classic and non-autistic Narcissist, the Schizoid cannot project his narcissistic "sense of grandeur" on the outside and that is on others, since he is afraid of contact with others, considering them to be intrusive and potentially harmful. That is, unlike the pure Narcissist, the Schizoid cannot look for others to find confirmation of his own grandiosity (that is, he does not look for people of very little value who easily admires him and treates him with deference, or people of very high value which they accept it and frequent him, in way that he too feels himself an equally special person) just as he cannot seek others to seduce, manipulate, use them instrumentally, and treat them mechanically and as objects.
Therefore, the Schizoid not being able to implement his two above-mentioned typical dynamics towards others, he puts them into action on hitself and, therefore:
1) introjects inside himself own grandeur and hides it from the corruption of external gazes, thus validating himself independently,
2) manipulates himself, treating himself mechanically and like an object (self-control).
However, even before noticing an unknowable and ineffable monad (that all it observes and check, but that is always unnoticed by everyone), an hard shell, a personality castled and wrapped in a tangle of rusty wire, a quintessential of anti-empathy, structured to reject, you can see a tender core, a very fragile soul, as stubbornly attached to an infant stage and in eternal waiting of a decisive compensatory event that however, at the bottom, her know that will never come (as the pension of the "Colonel", in "El coronel no tiene quien le escriba" by Gabriel García Márquez).
Lorenzo di Credi: "Portrait of a young woman" (1475-80).
The narcissistic contempt for the others and fear of others (others that are perceived as useless or harmful) and the autistic indifference for others and inability to understand the others (others that are perceived as incomprehensible and unable to understand), both generate in the Schizoid an inclination to affirm his Ego, and, thus, to affirm its "right to exist and of survive", and this obliges the Schizoid, in a sort of cascade effect, to a number of consequential behaviors:
1) to foresee and monitor obsessively the behavior of others. This, leads the Schizoid to accumulate enormous amounts of data about its own, though poor, relational life and, in this way, not a few schizoids, paradoxically, they end up to thinking in good faith they've matured a remarkable psychological ability to read other people's personalities and other people's intentions, not rarely boasting this their supposed ability. However, in truth, it is a mechanical, non-organic, and non-intuitive memory, since the Schizoid has a really poor ability to read non-verbal behaviors of others. A Schizoid is able to remember every detail of a brief and insignificant dialogue of many years ago, but, easily, he might be clamorously unable to remember the emotional attitude of his interlocutor of then, or also the wider context in which that dialogue had happened;
2) to constantly postponing every other need, and removing all that she considers potentially threatening for his existence and for his psychic integrity, and, that is:
2a) the emotive (and physical) proximity to others; when you talk to a Schizoid of "feelings" or "affections" or "emotions", if you will have the rare privilege of not being pulled away briskly by her or not being openly mocked by her, you will notice that Schizoid will observe you with piety, with charity (a little as the adult people look their children at when they say that the neonates bring them the stork): the "emotions" (and, more to say, the "affections" and the "feelings") for an Schizoid are like the UFOs or the Parapsychology or the Astrology: they are all bullshit for naive people! The Schizoid believes that emotions are totally useless and, indeed, even potentially harmful (given that they distance her from the objective perception and objective management of reality). Therefore, the Schizoid has a stringent need to prevent the emotional flow both internally and externally. The Schizoid solves this problem with regard to one's emotions, suppressing these last and to anesthetized himself. However, there remains the problem of the emotions of others, that is of the get the guarantee himself not to be invaded by the emotions of others: this requirement is solved by the Schizoid limiting own interpersonal relations as much as possible, since each interlocutor is a potential emotional invader (except that it is a another Schizoid ... in which case the Schizoid will may accept to relate, knowing that she will can effectively impose snaply the end of the relationship and that, in any case, the relationship will be quantitatively and qualitatively very restricted).
2b) the recognition and the awareness of one's own emotivity, with the consequent acceptance of the impossibility of total self-control of his own emotional sphere. Then, at the Schizoid is almost totally unknown the experience of "pleasure" (namely, of gratification, of happiness, of fun, of enthusiasm), experience that the Schizoid finds incomprehensible, vague, energetically expensive and tiring, not objectivable, ephemeral, deviant and, ultimately, useless. This continuing distance from the "pleasure", generates in the Schizoid a progressive anhedonia and a growing boredom, which, at the thresholds of mature age, can easily lead to Depression.
In classical and canonical terms, we could say that the Schizoid is not a "Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic", but is a "Introvert/(potentially) Psychotic".
- The "Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic" has few or no human relationships (because, deep down, he feels inferior and to others), but aspires deeply to establish human relationships: however, he does not try to achieve concretely this his aspiration to the sociality and avoids the interpersonal relationship for fear of being rejected or snobbed or of be deemed inadequate (typical case is that of the Depressed) or for afraid to show embarrassment. Also the "Introvert/(potentially) Psychotic" has few or no human relationships (because, deep down, he perceives the others as useless and therefore inferior to him, or because he perceives the others as potentially intrusive and harmful), but, unlike the Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic, it does not aspire to overcome this his condition and, therefore, does not aspire to relate to others (a typical case is that of the Schizoid).
- The "Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic" overestimates the opinion that others have of him/her. Viceversa, the "Introvert/(potentially) Psychotic" underestimates the opinion that others have of him/her.
- The "Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic" perceives the reality correctly, but struggles to adapt to this. Conversely, the "Introvert/(potentially) Psychotic" has difficulty already in the first stage, that of reading of the reality (a reality that in fact perceives altered).
- The "Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic" has known the Love, but then lost it (for example, for a mourning or for a surrender). Conversely, the "Introvert/(potentially) Psychotic" has never known the Love.
- The "Shy/Avoidant/Neurotic" generally lives one's personality in an ego-dystonic way (and, therefore, with the regret of wanting to change it but to fail to make it), believing it does not conform to one's expectations. Viceversa, the "Introvert/(potentially) Psychotic" generally lives one's personality in an ego-syntonic way (and, therefore, without particular regrets), considering it all things considered compliant with one's expectations.
This (moreover simple and logical) overall observation, leads me to reject (strongly!) the theories, which are also very widespread at the academic level and which to state that a Schizoid can have a (coexisting) Avoidant subpersonality (and vice versa), and that they led in the last D.S.M. (the D.S.M. V) to the ridiculous disappearance of the autonomous category of the Schizoid and its substantial absorption in the category of the Avoidant (or in the category of the Schizotypic).
Illogical and intellectually insane is to merge the category of the Schizoid into that of the Avoidant: if it is true (and indeed it is undisputed) that the Avoidant aspires to relate, and if it is equally true (and indeed it is equally undisputed) that the Schizoid does not aspire to relate or even aspires not to relate, it is not clear on the basis of which delusional logical equation these two categories (Avoidants and Schizoids) can be considered subsumable when, clearly, they are driven by inner motivations diametrically opposites: "either you are pregnant, or you are not pregnant: you cannot be only a little bit pregnant!". Those of the "Schizoid with Avoidant subpersonality" and that of the "Avoidant with Schizoid subpersonality" they seem to me figures fantasiose and mythological like those of the Unicorn and of the Sagittarius or they evoke me certain oxymorons such as that of the "dry water". Therefore, if we were to conjecture an individual who is Introverted but also Avoidant, we could not think of an individual who, simultaneously and coevally and at the same instant, desires and does not desires to relate to others (because this is a hypotetical individual in frontal and irremediable logical contradiction, to less than reasoning in unconscious and conscious terms respectively and, therefore, to referring to Introversion as we already know it), but rather to an individual who, alternately and in rather rapid succession, desires or not desires to relate himself to others, but this would lead us to a different sector and extremely similar to bipolar disorder, and precisely to a bipolar disorder with a periodic oscillation much faster than the classic one.
The truth is that, over the years, we have gone from an excessive psychiatrization of the "personalities" (to favor the interests of pharmaceutical companies, of psychiatrists and of some political lobbies that had the aim of targeting certain conducts such as of homosexuals) to a ridiculously "politically correct" intent on demonstrating, urbi et orbi, first of all own remoteness from commercial, professional and political interests, even at the cost of sacrificing the most elementary scientific evidences.
Furthermore, returning to the area (strictly identified, and depurified from the Avoidant personality) of the Introversion, I think we should further distinguish between:
1) subclinical Introvert (ie, with the Schizoid style), that has no human relations and he does not aspire to have them and which is confined himself to an apathetic and indifferent behavior; a subject who, that is, does not feel the need to get close to others, but who allows others to get closer to him/her under certain conditions. [In this case, the evolution is easier, because it would be a matter of filling an empty space, and ie, to stimulating and forming a desire previously absent];
2) clinical Introvert (ie, with Schizoid personality), that has no human relations, and that does not limit itself to not desire interpersonal relationships; a subject, that is, who not only does not feel the need to get close to others, but who does not allow others to get close to him/her whatever the pre-conditions of the relationship (pre-conditions from him/her always demeed unacceptable in pregiudicial way), and who, therefore, does not limit itself to not approach others, but that, even, aspires (explicitly and programmatically) to avoid the relationships. Therefore, from one side it drives the others away, and, on the other side, when he cannot keep the others at a distance, he moves away from others, all even accepting the high probability of appearing ethically incorrect, formally rude, psychically bizarre, intellectually stupid, empathetically obnoxious, etc.. [In this case, evolution is harder, because it would be a matter of empting an already occupied space and fill it again and in different way, and ie, to replacing an already present desire with another desire].
In my opinion, in the context of "the clinical introvert", two sub-categories of subjects should be distinguished:
2a) the Introvert who him feels always like inexorably disadvantageous the own approach to the others and the approach of others to him,
2b) the Introvert who him feels that the own approach to the others and the approach of others to him like potentially advantageous (albeit under certain conditions and in determined cases), but who, nevertheless, they don't have the strength to allow it because is overwhelmed by own cogent and opposite autistic phobia.