28 January 2013

"Zoro": a social-aesthetic typology in Roma.

Looking, on the internet, all the explanations of the Roman dialectal word "Zoro" (in male) and "Zora" (in female), I read only an unbroken mass of inaccuracies.

In fact, it is said "Zoro/Zora" in order to define a subject with socio-cultural level very low and with clear origin from the most disadvantaged suburbs (called "borgate"), that tends to wear only black clothing, in this way putting in place a involuntary imitation of clothing fully black (black suit with a black coat, black hat, black mask) of Don Diego de la Vega (better know as "Zorro").

In addition, the Zoro/Zora driving the car of black colour (also this black car at involuntary imitation of the black horse of Zorro).

Newer variants of Zoro/Zora are "Zauro/Zaura" and the "charming" pseudo superlative "Turbozoro/Turbozora".

I love the cynicism, fierce and synthetic, of the Romans!

Cicero squirms in his grave...

Civil Court of Appeal of Roma: two recent followers of Cicero.

The first: a young Trainee Lawyer at the hearing in jeans, offering the right side at the President and with your thumbs firmly on the pockets. And when the President asks him if he is informed of the cause, the Trainee Lawyer mumbles something (much annoyed!) and he seals its performance with a "but fuck you...".

The second: a Lawyer at the hearing, wearing a yellow shocking tie on white shirt striped red rust.

With these premises, i imagine a future full on shops of Lawyer, on the ground floor and with their storefront: a bit like a butcher's shop.

* * *

umpteenth defilè of male haute couture at the Rome Court of Civil Appeals. Tradition versus innovation.
The senior lawyer exhibits:
1) green cloth hat in Tyrolean style,
2) beard old of a couple of days,
3) sweater directly shoved in his pants (!),
4) cloth trousers, obscenely flared and along to the ground ,
5) shoes, Clark type, dating from the 1st Punic war, filthy and threadbare over every limit imposed by physics,
6) toga with left shoulder strap over the right shoulder and the right shoulder on his right elbow, in order to clean up permanently (with admirable civic sense), with half of his gown pours to the ground, those portions of the pavement where the pants has not arrived.
Faced with so much pomp, the young practitioner/neo Lawyer, envious, not content to spend his usual goatee (of ordinance!) like an philosopher, reacts with pride and exhibits:
1) a purple cloth jacket,
2) a black shirt with white horizontal stripes,
3) a regimental tie pink and blue,
4) a very formal pair of cowboy boots.

Stuff able to indemnify you widely of the your years of sacrifice.

* * *

Yet another update:
I open my mailbox, and find there a business card from an XY Lawyer.
Then, I discover that the same business card this Colleague it had put in all the other mailboxes.
I discover that is an 41-year-old man and who has been a lawyer for 8 years.
Therefore, I would ask him: but why you humble yourself like this, as would a cellar's cleaner, or a house painter, or a maid, or a universitary student who offers private tutoring to the high school students?
And, then, in the name of Jesus Christ, I say: but what fuck of need you had of get printed your business card as lawyer with "with sky-blue alphabetic characters" and with the "sky-blue bubbles in white background", like the advertisement of a brand of a gay-friendly shampoo or of a children's party animator?

The "incredible" people of the social networks!

On Facebook, an users publish the picture above.

The photo in question shows a caption.
This caption reads:
incredible new feature in Facebook:
1) you click "like"
2) you comment by writing the number 1
...now look what happens to the picture!

Then, all of you will think that, after performing all operations required, of course not happen anything to the picture (obvious!)!!! But, in Italy, there are 18.313 fools who, however, have performed blindly what was requested! And one of them had the courage to comment "but nothing happens!"

This explains why, in 2013, 20 italians out of 100 continue to vote Silvio Berlusconi.

26 January 2013

Italian bureaucracy...

The endless and perverse beauty of Italian bureaucracy: a "self-certification of existence"!!!

That is, the citizen, solemnly and formally, must sign and affix the date to the following declaration: "I declare of are still living" (sic!).

Therefore, it is necessary to affirm implicitly that we never died before the date of the aforementioned autocertificative declaration!

I imagine that are been provided severe penalties against the liars (in fact, there is nothing more unpleasant than a corpse who says to be alive or than an alive who claims to be dead): probably, a bureaucratic form thought also for counteract the cheatings of Zombies and Ghosts or to tax the Poltergeist.

On the other hand, nothing is impossible in a nation in which, even today, we pay an excise on petrol (€ 0,001 per liter) to finance the "Abyssinian war of 1935".

Crisis? What crisis?

We are in the worst global economic downturn since the Second World War (ended 68 years ago). But the people of consumers think to be a millionaire. Yet, in 2012, in the world, are sold chewing gums for $ 2 billion. The amazing thing is that the price, per kilogram, of a pack of chewing gums is exorbitant!

In Italy, a common pack of chewing gum, if bought on eBay, costs € 53,33 per kiloIn shopping centers is not hard to find chewing gums and candy's that reach € 150,00/200,00 per kiloTo understand the absurdity of the consumption of chewing gums, consider that, in Italy, the "Champagne Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial Gift Box" is sold, on the internet, at a price of € 43,56 per liter.

The moral?
1) the smart seller will always try to highlight the unit price and to hide the price per kilo or the price per liter;
2) the smart consumer will do exactly the opposite approach.

P. S.: on the internet, they sell chewing gums "for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in children and pregnant women," (which contain, as the active ingredient, only 5% of ginger). The cost per kilo? € 605,41!!!

25 January 2013

Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis, better know as St. Augustine, Father (!), Doctor (!!) and Holy (!!!) of the Catholic Church, is also referred to as "the greatest christian thinker of the first millennium and certainly one of the greatest geniuses of humanity in absolute".

We quote (literally and with the exact bibliographic references) some sexist and misogynistic "pearls" of this "thinker":

1) Quaestiones in Heptateuchum, Libro I, 153:
Among men there is also the order of nature for which women are subject to husbands and children to parents, since even in this case it is right that the weakest reason is subject to the strongest. Concerning therefore to command and to serve it is evidently right that those who are superior as to reason are superior even as to command.

2) De nuptiis et concupiscentia, Libro I, cap. 9:
Nor can we doubt that, in the natural order, men enjoy supremacy over women rather rather that women over men. In compliance with this principle the Apostle said: "Man is the head of the woman" and again "Women, be you submissive to your husbands".

3) Sermones, 9,3:
If the husband is the head, the husband must live better and precede his wife in every good work; so that she to imitate her husband and follows his boss. As Christ is head of the Church and the Church is commanded to follow his head and to walk in the footsteps of his head, so every house has as its head the man and the woman the body. Where the head leads, there must follow the body.

4) De Genesi adversus Manichaeos, Libro 2, 11.15:
Man must guide the woman and not allow it to have dominion over man, because when that happens, the family is upset and unhappy.

5) In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus, Omelia 2, 14:
What's worse than a house where the woman commands her husband? Ordered instead is the house where the woman who obeys her husband.

6) Sermones, 51 - 13.21:
Nevertheless, the wife is submissive to her husband, since this is right, and the more she is submissive the more she is chaste.

7) Sermones, 152 - 4:
The husband has to worry about this, to making submissive the wife. The wife, made docile, it submissed himself to her husband; submissed the wife to husband, here is peace in the house.

8) Enarrationes in psalmos, 143 - 6:
If the husband is overwhelmed and the wife predominates, it is a busted peace; if instead the husband dictates the law and the wife is submissive, it is an ordered peace.

If this is "the greatest Christian thinker of the first millennium and certainly one of the greatest geniuses of umanity in absolute", we expect to learn, with great anxiety, the works of the second Christian thinker of the first millennium and those of the other great geniuses of humanity in absolute (Goebbels? Landru? Jack the Ripper?).

The advantage of being smart...

"The advantage of being smart is that you can always make the fool, while the opposite is impossible" [Woody Allen]