Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis, better know as St. Augustine, Father (!), Doctor (!!) and Holy (!!!) of the Catholic Church, is also referred to as "the greatest christian thinker of the first millennium and certainly one of the greatest geniuses of humanity in absolute".
We quote (literally and with the exact bibliographic references) some sexist and misogynistic "pearls" of this "thinker":
1) Quaestiones in Heptateuchum, Libro I, 153:
Among men there is also the order of nature for which women are subject to husbands and children to parents, since even in this case it is right that the weakest reason is subject to the strongest. Concerning therefore to command and to serve it is evidently right that those who are superior as to reason are superior even as to command.
2) De nuptiis et concupiscentia, Libro I, cap. 9:
Nor can we doubt that, in the natural order, men enjoy supremacy over women rather rather that women over men. In compliance with this principle the Apostle said: "Man is the head of the woman" and again "Women, be you submissive to your husbands".
3) Sermones, 9,3:
If the husband is the head, the husband must live better and precede his wife in every good work; so that she to imitate her husband and follows his boss. As Christ is head of the Church and the Church is commanded to follow his head and to walk in the footsteps of his head, so every house has as its head the man and the woman the body. Where the head leads, there must follow the body.
4) De Genesi adversus Manichaeos, Libro 2,
Man must guide the woman and not allow it to have dominion over man, because when that happens, the family is upset and unhappy.
5) In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus, Omelia 2,
What's worse than a house where the woman commands her husband? Ordered instead is the house where the woman who obeys her husband.
6) Sermones, 51 - 13.21:
Nevertheless, the wife is submissive to her husband, since this is right, and the more she is submissive the more she is chaste.
7) Sermones, 152 - 4:
The husband has to worry about this, to making submissive the wife. The wife, made docile, it submissed himself to her husband; submissed the wife to husband, here is peace in the house.
8) Enarrationes in psalmos, 143 - 6:
If the husband is overwhelmed and the wife predominates, it is a busted peace; if instead the husband dictates the law and the wife is submissive, it is an ordered peace.
If this is "the greatest Christian thinker of the first millennium and certainly one of the greatest geniuses of umanity in absolute", we expect to learn, with great anxiety, the works of the second Christian thinker of the first millennium and those of the other great geniuses of humanity in absolute (Goebbels? Landru? Jack the Ripper?).